So I waited outside Jas' house after breaking my fast.
Then, we went to Giant to get our contact lenses.
We also had to search for ubi keledek(s) so that Jas' mum(grandma?) can make this chinese dessert. SO anyway off we went to search for it. Something long and uh weird looking. Found it and went to the cashier to pay. As usual, Jas just loves to pay for the item without even wanting to take the item itself. Haha such a dong dong.
And then we went to Coffee Bean.
I ordered a Cafe latte and it costed just RM6. Which was extremely cheap. As you can see from the picture, it was served in a pint cup. Like the beer pint lol.
I had to learn to know the taste of all the coffee so that I can improve myself as a barista. This cafe latte was too mild. I couldn't taste the coffee at all to be honest.
Road trips at night always reminds me of that road trip to KLIA with KF,Jas and Sehran. It was an unforgettable trip.